Be sure to check your Parents’ group website or Facebook page for the most specific and up-to-date information on the effects of COVID-19 at your Center and your Center’s response.
Have access to PPEs of any type?
The SODCs currently have an adequate supply but with the uncertainty of how long the pandemic may go on, they would be very appreciative of any donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Donations can be mailed to your SODC and addressed to the attention of your Center Director. Thank you!
All 7 Parents Groups met with Illinois DDD Officials on COVID-19
On April 2, 2020 Allison Stark, Illinois Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities & Tiffany Bailey, Associate Deputy Director for SODC Operations met via teleconference with representatives of all 7 SODC Parent (Guardian) groups. They updated us on steps already put in place to address the COVID-19 pandemic, answered questions that our members have brought to us, and shared preliminary contingency planning. We greatly appreciate the ongoing open communication that the DDD has maintained with us and our parents and guardians throughout this difficult time. We thank them too for their able handling of the ever-changing challenges brought on by the coronaviru
Here are some of the many steps being taken across all the SODCs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:
- We closed all on campus day training sites.
- Individuals are not attending off campus day training sites.
- All group activities were cancelled.
- Individuals are encouraged to remain in their bedrooms.
- Meals are served separately to individuals and/or small groups with adequate spacing.
- There are no visitors permitted at the Center.
- There are no community outings occurring.
- Detailing of staff to other areas is limited.
- Screening staff for symptoms at designated checkpoints and not allowing them to work if they fail to pass the checkpoint.
- All individuals’ vitals are taken on the AM shift and PM shift.
- Continual training of staff regarding sanitation, hand washing, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) and reuse guidelines following guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Enhanced cleaning on frequently touched surfaces, such as doors, handrails and light switches, etc.
- Individuals who exhibit signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are placed in isolation.
- Follow isolation protocols for people served.
- Staff have been instructed to inform the Center if they or a family member are experiencing symptoms and whether they were tested. This allows the Center to take immediate protective actions.
While this time can be lonely for residents because there are no group gatherings, our staff are still working to engage residents and ensure they have the appropriate support.
Important links on the
COVID-19 Pandemic
The State of Illinois COVID-19 Website has information available to stay informed on the following links:
State of Illinois COVID-19 Website
Illinois Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Human Services
Federal Centers for Disease Control
Ludeman Center updates
Family-Guardian Letter 4-1-2020
Ludeman Information from the State of Illinois: 03.30.2020 LUDEMAN COVID-19 NOTIFICATION
Compassionate Care: 03.20.2020 Letter to Family Guardians
Visitor Policy, Family Communication: 03.19.2020 IDHS Guardian Family Letter
Long Term Care Facility: 03.04.2020 IDPH COVID-19_Guidance
Finally, a thanks…
We would like to express our thanks to the staffs of all of our SODCs. From administrators who keep channels of communication open and address the ever-changing challenges brought on by this pandemic, to the nurses, the doctors, the food service workers , the engineers and maintenance staff… and to the direct care tech staff who show up every day to care for our loved ones, we say, “Thank you so very much!”
Thanks every day for what you contribute, but especially during this most difficult time.